I love this picture of the amazing people at the RISE Center, Tuscaloosa! They are wearing our Wonderfully Made Clothing Co. t-shirts. Ruthie was blessed to have been a student at RISE from age one to five. Her team of teachers and therapists had high expectations not only for Ruthie but also for her family. They taught us how to celebrate each milestone instead of worrying about how long it might take to get her there. When I wondered if she would ever crawl, she crawled in Nicole’s room, and she began to use her signs to communicate. She walked in Melinda’s room, and she began to use her words in place of signs. In Kim’s class, our baby began to blossom into a little girl, and she left the three-year-old room wearing her big girl panties. In Sara’s room her language skills took off, and she finished that year speaking in sentences. Ruthie left Judy’s class as an incredible five-year-old who was ready to walk into Verner Elementary as a typical Kindergartner. In October, National Down Syndrome Awareness Month, we donated $5 from the sale of each of our t-shirts to the RISE Center, Tuscaloosa.